
وردة لونها أحمر

قررت الاستيقاظ من بياتي الشتوي..
ونسيان العواصف والثلوج والأمطار
وتلك البرودة القاتلة
سأستيقظ اليوم وسأرى الربيع ثانية
سعادة ممتزجة بابتسامات صغيرة وألوان كثيرة

بس أول ما صحيت ملقتش
ولا ربيع ولا نسمة هوا..ولا ألوان كتير زي ما توقعت
هيا وردة بس لونها..أحمر


Remember ..that flower u gave me
in my 16th birthday

I'm holding it right now

it still smells the same..smell like you :)
everything else (except the smell) has changed

i can't feel you here anymore
i don't quit without fighting, you know I am a fighter
but i am too weak to stand a storm on my own
Really....I'm falling apart


maybe it's not your fault
you're not a doctor
to hear my heart beats so slowly

you wouldn't know
it's gonna stop in no time

it's not your fault that
you can't feel me anymore
you're not a sensitive machine
and i dislike talking

so take it easy it's MY FAULT!!

i can't blame you at all
I'm the one who's falling apart
and don't wanna be rescued

Smile like you always do..
cuz I lost that ability long time ago..
Don't be me
