
I need a teddy bear

مأساة أن نكبر على الدمى

ومأساة أن نراها تصغر

فحينها ستصبح هي وحيدة

ولن نجد نحن من نحتضنه

في ليالي الحزن القارصة


I don't wanna break down or fall to pieces right now.
I'm exerting my utmost to make things right
all by myself..so please don't push me of the edge i'm standing on

God please i need you so bad
I can't trust anyone at this moment
even myself
i don't believe me

although i keep telling myself "
You're gonna make it.."

i wonder if i have chosen wrong from the beginning ,
but how the hell am i suppose to know that..!

I want my old teddy bear back, i think..